SPEEDMAN is an animated sci-fi comedy about an old man who gives birth to an unstable speed freak. The world's first super platypus, SPEEDMAN!
Mancubus tries to enjoy his breakfast, when he is interrupted by and unwelcome guest.
Part 1 of 3
(Based on Doom)
An unwelcome guest returns for lunch...
Part 2 of 3
(Based on Doom)
Not enjoying dinner alone, Mancubus decides to find his little friend.. in HELL! (even though technically he's already in hell)
Part 3 of 3
(Based on Doom)
A guide to dealing with the temperamental bears in Skyrim.
Part 1 of 4
(Based on event that took place in a Skyrim game)
Without hesitation, an ambitious bear in Skyrim takes on the role of Dovahkiin, along with all of the responsibilities.
Part 2 of 4
(Based on Skyrim)
One drunk slip up and Dovahbear take a tumble down a mountain of pain.
Part 3 of 4
(Based on Skyrim)
After finding a nice place to stay, Dovahbear decides to settle in to his new home, much to the chagrin of the previous occupant.
Roger Wilco has been imprisoned by Activision for way too long. It's time for the Two Guys from Andromeda to free his intellectual property, I mean FREE him from.. jail. Based on the Space Quest series.
Some fish were not meant to live.
In this episode of Breaking Bad, Gustavo must show Walt and Jesse how important his business is to him.
*Spoilers if you've never seen Breaking Bad*
Everyone love Mass Effect, how about that ending!?! Yeah!
(Based on my wishes for the Extended Ending for Mass Effect 3)
King Graham is an asshole.
(based on the Kings Quest series)